Everything I’ve learned from Young Living and how I use Essential Oils every day

I am finally sharing everything I’ve learned from Young Living and how I use essential oils every day. I was originally planning on just answering a few questions directly on stories but after reading through some of the questions I figured it was a much smarter idea to save them to the blog!
But before we begin I just wanted to give you a little backstory on how I started using oils, and why. My story really started when I was really young, my mom and dad are both very health conscious, clean eating, and just wellness-focused people. I learned a lot about essential oils from my mom who used them when I was a kid, but it was mostly my grandma who taught me more. Sadly, I somehow stopped using them along the way and I’m not really sure why. But when my daughter was born, I really dove back into essential oils, learning about the benefits, but it was mostly to rid our home of any harsh chemicals. Our daughter had eczema just like my husband, and both my husband and I suffer from anxiety, there’s also asthma and a few other health concerns that I wanted to get to the bottom of. So I started experimenting and trying every brand, product, or potion I could find that was considered “clean” and “natural”. After years of trying different products and learning about them I found out a lot of brands and companies aren’t really being honest about their ingredients and that scared me.
Then in July of 2020, a friend shared about her health journey and how it’s impacted her family and their own health problems. Sure enough, I did more research and found Young Living to be a company I could actually trust with my family’s wellbeing. It’s been a few months and my daughter’s eczema is 90% gone, my husband hasn’t had a breakout in a long time and I have been feeling so much better overall.
I’ve shared 5 Non-Toxic Swaps I Made Recently
I want to share everything I’ve learned from Young Living and how I use essential oils every day. This post will guide you when purchasing essential oils and provides you with a solid foundation to start with and hopefully answering some questions you may have.

Essential Oils Q&A
What are essential oils?
Essential oils are the most powerful part of a plant, and they are distilled from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, fruit, resins, herbs, and rinds. They consist of over 100 different naturals, organic compounds. This means on a superficial level they are an all-natural fragrance from plants, that are free from synthetic fragrances and chemicals. But they have also been used for hundreds of years to provide emotional and spiritual support. Essential oils contain many different properties, some of which are antibacterial, antimicrobial, astringent, antiseptic, and even anti-inflammatory.
How do you use essential oils?
There are three main ways to get oils into your system:
- Diffuse and inhale
- Topically: rub onto the skin
- Ingest or use for cooking purposes
What should I look for when buying essential oils?
The biggest problem I see with people using essential oils and not seeing the results they want is that they aren’t purchasing 100% pure essential oils. I’ve seen many stores selling essential oils, and I’ve read the ingredients to find out it’s only made with 10% of the actual essential oil. The rest is sadly synthetic fragrance or even scary chemicals.
For this reason, I choose to find a trustworthy source for essential oils like Young Living.

Why Young Living?
Like I said there are tons of places that sell essential oils, but not with Young Living’s Seed to Seal. It’s their high standards for sourcing the best ingredients, scientific evaluation of the products, and a promise of the best quality. It means I can trust them with my family’s health and wellbeing, and I also admire the other women who also use Young Living.
So I choose to use essential oils from Young Living, which turned into a love of their other products as well. Their baby line is one of my favorites for sensitive skin, their wellness line is perfect for parents who want to take care of their health and of course, their home cleaning line is everything I’ve ever wanted in a cleaning system. Non-toxic, natural, and most of all safe to use.
Some of my favourite Young Living Products
I will be sharing my favorite oils and how I personally use them each month
Essential oils
The Starter Kit ($495 value) that comes with a diffuser for $195 CAD
For Cleaning
Thieves Essential Rewards Collection
Thieves Fruit and Veggies Soak
For little ones
Any of the KidScents collection (genyus, dreamease and refresh are my faves)
Animals and Pets
Everything this I learned from Young Living as a Business
I thought it was important to share EVERYTHING I’ve learned from Young Living, including the business.
One of the biggest hurdles I faced when I was looking into working with Young Living was that many people consider it an MLM. A multi-level marketing scheme, and to be honest that was what stopped me from joining sooner.
I didn’t want to taint my business in anyway.
But I knew very little about the business side of Young Living and how it worked. I started looking into becoming an independent distributor because the commissions were higher than any affiliate commission I was making through the blog. I thought why not share the products I genuinely love!

What exactly is the membership about?
There are a few things you should know about the membership:
- There is NO FEE to sign up, its completely FREE
- There is no cancellation fee, NO contract, or anything holding you to it
- You DO get 24% off any product you buy with a membership
- With the membership, you have the option to become an independent consultant
How do I become an independent consultant and how do I make money?
Like I said, I wanted to share everything I’ve learned from Young Living, including how I make money.
In order to make a commission from products, you have to commit to a 100pv order a month. This simply means you have to have a monthly order of 100 points or more, and usually, that is roughly $130+ CAD.
At first, I thought it was going to be another expense but turns out it wasn’t especially since I was already ditching the toxic chemicals and switching them for non-toxic products. For example, I was replacing Dawn dish soap for thieves dish soap, Tide Pods for Thieves Detergent, Candles for diffusers, and essential oils. In the end, I’m saving money because these products are all concentrated which means you actually using less and saving more.
Become an independent consultant and say yes to essential rewards
one last thing, if you are interested in becoming independent you can click here. You have to say yes to essential rewards, put in your information, and make sure your PV (at the bottom by your total) adds up to 100PV. I will send you a welcome email, a gift, and whatever my welcome kit is for that month! I will personally mentor you and teach you everything I know because I want you to succeed so that we all succeed.
I hope by sharing everything I learned from Young Living and how I use essential oils every day, that I also answered any questions you had. If I didn’t let me know in the comments below or feel free to email me anytime!
What a great informative post and I can’t wait to see what you share next! We love young living too xo