A Simple Mom Morning Routine

To some people their morning routine is more of a ritual. From the way they choose to wake up in the morning, whether that’s by meditating or spending a few minutes to themselves. Here at SPVLiving were going to be sharing interviews with women whose morning routines have inspired us in someway. I’ve always thought you can tell a lot about someone by the way they choose to start their day. So to kick off our wellness category we are sharing our founder’s morning ritual, which has a lot to do with being a mother but still finding a few minutes to focus on self-care.
Stephanie Vainer | founder of SPVLiving.com
My morning starts at around 5 am, just after my husband wakes up and leaves for the gym before he heads to work. I am a stay at home mom and I run a full time business from home, so I usually try to sneak in a bit of quiet time to myself before my day starts. First thing I do is use Headspace which is a meditation app that helps me destress and start my day with a fresh mindset.
Next, I will make a hot lemon, drink about 500ml of water and then start making my coffee. During this time I like to turn on my computer, go through any important emails and check my schedule for the day.
“I like to start my day with a podcast, something with substance”
Just like everybody’s my morning is a practice in multitasking. Penelope usually wakes up by this time, but somedays I’m lucky she will sleep another 30 minutes. During those days I will take advantage and get everything we need prepped for the day, like meals and snacks.
I’m not going to lie, most days I’ll usually put on the tv for her just so I can finish some projects for work. But it’s always something educational like Sesame Street or Super Why! that way I feel like she’s learning something important.
My morning beauty routine is pretty standard and I like to keep things simple. During this time I always turn on a podcast, somedays its The Skinny Confidential other days its the College of Influence. Penelope usually wants to sit in the bathroom with me, so I give her one of my old makeup brushes to play with.
“We’re in the process of slowly turning everything we use into clean products. I’ve always loved the idea of clean beauty”
I like to use a Charcoal Toothpaste, floss twice a day and use a whitening mouthwash. I wash my face with a SkinCeautical’s LHA Cleanser Gel, apply Vitamin C serum and an eye cream which I’ve raved about HERE. As a child my parents would always make sure I had sunscreen on, and as I got older it was just something I did everyday. This is one of my biggest tips to people who want to take care of their skin, I tell them to make sure they protect it from sun damage since its the leading cause of aging, skin damage and even cancer.
I miss the days I would go to the gym every single morning, but I’ve had to switch to evening workouts now that Tony working in construction and leaves super early. It was hard because the days I was going to the gym that late was making me to tired the next day, and doing it every night was just too much. So I now go every other day and on days I’m not going to the gym, I do the MWH app or BBG. Its one of my favourite things to do with Penelope, she loves copying the workouts and its almost a fun game of Simon Says for her. I love my morning routine, and I hope that I am setting a good example for Penelope too.