How to use a Jade Roller and Why

This post has been a long time coming. You’ve seen me using my jade roller on IG a ton of times, and I’ve even mentioned it before here and here. But I haven’t told you how I use it and why I love it.
Did you know that Jade rolling was used in the 17th century by the Empress and members of high society in China and Asia? They believed in using it to smooth complexions and even sculpt the skin, which might be true to an extent.
What are the benefits of using a jade roller?
-Calming redness
-Reduces puffiness
-Improves circulation
-Stimulates lymphatic drainage
-And, if done correctly can improve eye strain, headaches, TMJ pain, and even eye strain!
The real benefits of jade rolling are thanks to the facial massage you get when using it rather than apparent crystal vibrations. So my favorite way to use this tool is in the mornings to de-puff in my face. If your someone who wakes up with a lot of puffiness from congestion, allergies or from sleeping on your stomach then this is a great step to add to your daily routine.
I always start by giving myself a facial massage after I finish washing my face. It helps push the lymph fluid into proper channels to drain away from your eyes and certain areas that you tend to see a lot of puffiness in. By stimulating the lymphatic drainage it will also push the toxins out of your body, and prevent and clear up breakouts.
It can even help brighten your skin by boosting the circulation and blood flow to give you that radiant and healthy glow.
One tip I can give you is to put your Jade Roller in the fridge because you will see more benefits that way. I read that using a cold roller to massage your face it will restrict blood flow to a particular area, and the pressure will push fluid to the lymph nodes to filter out more toxins.
Not to mention using this cold tool also works really well if you get headaches or migraines like I do.
How do I use a Jade Roller?
Note: Before I start using my jade roller, I will put a serum on my face so the stone doesn’t stick and pull on my skin.
First I will begin at the center of my chin using light pressure, pushing towards my ear. I roll down my nose under my eye, motiving it horizontally towards my temple. I’ll use the small side of the jade roller over my eyelid lightly pushing the fluids towards my temple. Lastly, I will roll it on my forehead, up from the brow and out towards my hairlines.
I repeat it on the other side of my face and I’m done.
Do you use this facial tool as part of your skincare routine? If not, what do you use?